2012-12-11 23:13:32




常在聽國外搖滾樂的聽友們,相信對於 JOJO 冒險野郎(ジョジョの奇妙な冒険)的作者-荒木飛呂彦,也是某些樂團的忠實歌迷,更不用說從第三部開始,慢慢有用歌手、樂團或歌名,來為自身作品的腳色命名,譬如第四部吉良吉影的替身皇后殺手,就是皇后合唱團中的一首歌-Killer Queen,或是第五部主角-喬魯諾喬巴拿(ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ)的替身,黃金體驗,也是取自歌手 Prince 的 Gold Experience 專輯。


此次 JOJO 片尾挑選 YES 樂團的老歌-「ROUNDABOUT」

此次 JOJO 片尾挑選 YES 樂團的老歌-「ROUNDABOUT」


轉回正題,本次動畫版的 JOJO,居然啟用知名前衛搖滾團體-YES 的一首老歌,「ROUNDABOUT」,這首已經有 40 年的歷史,但現在聽還是覺得很棒;由 Jon Anderson 與 Steve Howe 作詞作曲,帶點迷茫夢幻、虛無縹緲的曲風,再加上超脫現實的歌詞,讓人很舒暢的徜徉在幽幻的神奇國度中。






不過由於十月多開始連載的動畫,讓很多 JOJO 迷在 YOUTUBE 上尋找該歌曲,造成死忠的 YES 樂團迷覺得領域被侵犯。這也無可厚非,畢竟兩邊的粉絲本就不少,但要分你我,這也不是好現象,或許這也是當初選這首歌始料未及的事吧!附帶一提,第八部東方家中的次女大彌,就是該樂團的愛好者,然後很巧妙的又挑了這首「ROUNDABOUT」當新動畫版的片尾,只能說這兩種元素連在一起真是神奇。








作詞/作曲:Jon Anderson、Steve Howe


歌曲年份:1972 年


I'll be the round about

The words will make you out 'n' out

I'll spend the day your way......

Call it morning driving thru the sound and

In and out the valley......


The muses dance and sing

They make the children really ring

I'll spend the day your way

Call it morning driving thru the sound and

In and out the valley.....


In and around the lake

Mountains come out of the sky

and they Stand there

One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you

Ten true summers we'll be there and

Laughing too

Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be

There with you


I will remember you

Your silhouette will charge the view

Of distance atmosphere......

Call it morning driving thru the sound and

Even in the valley......


In and around the lake

Mountains come out of the sky

and they Stand there

One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you

Ten true summers we'll be there and

Laughing too ooo oo oo

Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be

There with you


Along the drifting cloud the eagle searching

Down on the land

Catching the swirling wind the sailor sees

The rim of the land

The eagle's dancing wings create as weather

Spins out of hand


Go closer hold the land feel partly no more

Than grains of sand

We stand to lose all time a thousand answers

By in our hand

Next to your deeper fears we stand

Surrounded by million years


I'll be the roundabout

The words will make you out 'n' out

I'll be the roundabout

The words will make you out 'n' out........


In and around the lake

Mountains come out of the sky they

Stand there

Twenty four before my love and I'll be



I'll be the roundabout

The words will make you out 'n' out

We spend the day your way

Call it morning driving thru the sound and

In and out the valley.... eh


In and around the lake

Mountains come out of the sky and they

Stand there

One mile over we'll be there and we'll see You

Ten true summers we'll be there and

Laughing too ooo

Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be

There with you.....


Da da da da daaa da da

Da da da da daaa da da

Da da da da daaa da da

Da da da da daaa da da

Da da da da daaa da da

Da da da da daaa da da

Da da da da daaa da da

Da da da da daaa da da




JOJO 冒險野郎 ED




2012-12-11 23:13:32
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